
演讲与口才 2023-02-20 19:30 编辑:admin 261阅读


Good morning/afternoon every one.

This is the end of my speech,thankyou.



My dear friends,Do you like smiling or crying?Your answer must be the first one.Then why?everyone knows the saying,smiling is better than crying.because smiling lets you feel happy.

三、各位英语好的帮我翻译成英文 英文的采访开场白 最好语言新颖

Hello everyone, I am so glad to meet you all this afternoon, today, it's my honored to invite XXX present here, XXX has a legend life, and now, we will chat with XXX about his/her story.


Morning(Evening),honorable leaders, guests and audiences present.

Welcome to the Host's Elegance Match. First, please allow me to sincerely appreciate all the leaders, guests and audiences. Thanks for your energetic support and participation.

I'm glad to be he host of the match. And now, I will introduce the contestants tonight(today).

Now begin, let's welcome the first contestant, and the second, prepare.