
演讲与口才 2023-03-18 17:06 编辑:admin 249阅读








A number of old people work well into their' 70s and 80s, running families, corporations or countries. Other people, however, despite being fit and highly talented, are forced to retire in their 60s or even earlier because of corporate or national regulations. This essay attempts to examine whether people should be allowed to continue working as long as they want or whether they should be encouraged to hang up their spikes at a particular age.

There are several arguments for allowing the aged to keep working as long as they are able. In the first place, older employees have an immense amount of knowledge and experience which can be a great loss to a business or organization if they are asked to retire. A second point is that older workers are often extremely loyal employees and are more willing to implement company policies than younger and less committed staff. In addition, a more important argument is concerning the attitudes in society towards old people. To compel someone to resign or retire at 60 or 65 indicates that the society does not value the input of these people and that effectively their useful life is over.

However, letting the senior to work indefinitely is not always a wise policy. Age alone is no guarantee of ability. Many younger employees have more experience or sills than older staff, who may have been stuck in one area or unit for most of their working lives. Having mandatory retirement encourages new ideas in an organization. Furthermore, without age limits, many people would continue to work simply because they :did not have any other plans or roles, and then fewer job openings are left for the young. A third point of view is that older people should be rewarded and respected by society for their contribution by being given generous pensions and the freedom to enjoy their leisure in later years.

With many young people unemployed or frustrated in entry-level or low. level positions, there are often calls to compulsorily ask older workers to withdraw from work. However, this can affect the older individual's freedom and right to work and deprive society of valuable experience and insights. Personally, I would like to believe that offering workers more flexibility and choice over their retirement age will benefit both the society and the individual.





More employees are changing jobs every few years, Some people view this career trend as being detrimental to workers and employers, while others believe frequent job changes are a natural way of navigating today's workplace. In this essay, an attempt will be made to analyze the arguments on both sides of the issue before taking a stance.

As far as the opponents are concerned, changing jobs may exact a significant toll on the employee. In the first place, you may land in a worse situation. In other words, you might jump into a new job that is worse than your old job. Secondly,moving too soon can jeopardize your career. If you are really leaving places rather quickly you may not be extracting the full value from what that particular workplace has to offer you. Most importantly, you might be seen as being disloyal and short of commitment if you shift jobs frequently. Employers may find it hard to trust your ability and integrity.

However, there are a host of pros argued for this practice. To begin with,changing jobs often helps to retain that air of newness in whatever you do. Staying on at one job for a long time becomes monotonous and routine after a while, especially if you are not offered anything in the way of new challenges and achievements. Moreover, you learn more as you move from one job to another; even if you are in the same industry, you accumulate knowledge about new ways to do old things and you build a network of relationships with the different people you come across. Last but not the least, job- hopping is a good way to gain pay increases. It is proven time and time again that the way you make a large jump in your pay scale is when you leave a company and go to another one.

From the above analysis, there seems some truth on both sides. Although some people may not endorse the practice of job-hopping for the risks it poses to the employee, the fact is it has been producing the desired results and helping in many aspects for job-hoppers. Therefore, I would contend that changing jobs can be an ideal option for us. The only thing we should bear in mind is learning to be patient, and carefully weighing all the pros and cons before leaving too soon.






Female crime is a complex problem that exacts a substantial and continuing toll on our society. Recent years have witnessed the soaring rates of female delinquency in many communities. It is not surprising to see that people say greater heed to women lawbreakers as a source of crimes. This essay attempts to unravel the causes of female crimes and suggests some preventive measures.

Why do female commit crimes? The majority of women commit crimes for similar reasons, and women are not naturally criminals. Many women are driven to commit crime by a number of factors. Low socioeconomic status and sex discrimination are to blame first. It is reported that women who have a low socioeconomic standing may partake in criminal involvement if they are blocked by some means of obtaining financial and social success legitimately. Secondly, family violence and being abused also explain why some women offend. Many female criminals were in previous abusive relationships. So many women are oppressed that when they do get a chance to fight back, they fight with all of their might. In addition, many more factors are associated with woman crimes as well such as poverty, substance abuse, lack of parental guidance, being controlled by someone else, and lack of education.

Since the rising rate of female delinquency is influenced by numerous factors, prevention efforts should be comprehensive in scope. In the first place, laws should be stipulated to ban sex inequality and family violence. Moreover, governments should allocate sufficient resources for prevention services on a community-wide and nationwide basis, including activities to guide people how to cope with crises and resolve conflicts without resorting to violence, such as substance abuse education and treatment, family counseling, mentoring, parenting education, educational support, and female sheltering. As for the families, family members, especially husbands, are advised to spend more time on family life and foster better relationships with their children. Lastly, it is also recommended that women should be provided with enough education and the training of rational thinking skills to safeguard them from going astray.

To conclude, I truly believe that if we prevent the problem from occurring in the first place, rather than approaching it after the fact, we can make more progress and salvage more stray souls. If there are more appropriate programs for females in crime-ridden neighborhoods vast improvements will be made. We need better our education and make it accessible to others in lower income places so that we are able to make a great difference.





In the last several years the impact of video games, both positive and negative, on children has been a subject of both heated debate and scientific research. In this essay, I will examine both sides of the argument and establish my own standpoint.

Some scientists argue that video games can have a positive influence on children. For example, they may be a friendly way of introducing children to computers, and stimulate children s curiosity and interest in the computer science, which leads to discovery and creativity. Besides, they may increase children's hand-eye coordination and attention to detail. In other words, gaming develops adaptability and flexibility. Also, researchers have found that the games can provide opportunities for achievement,freedom and even a connection to other players. Undoubtedly, playing with friends can be an enjoyable social interaction.

On the other hand, scientific research has shown that playing video games may affect some children's physical functioning. Effects range from triggering epileptic seizures to causing heart rate and blood pressure changes.Furthermore, numerous studies suggest that playing a lot of violent video games is related to having more aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Ample evidence also shows that spending large amounts of time playing these games can create problems and lead to poor social skills and lower grades. In addition, they can also be quite addictive, which is detrimental to children who lack self-control and self-discipline.

While video games can be valuable learning tools, they also have some adverse effects. Regarding content, educational games are likely to have positive effects and violent games are likely to have negative effects. The point is that, in this new age of technology, children are spending much more time playing video games and watching television. And many of the video games contain some violence.Therefore, for decreasing the negative impact that gaming might have on children, parents should be most concerned about two things: the amount of time that children spend, and the content of the games that they play.

Video game addiction has become a focus of public interest. Numerous studies suggest that heavy gaming exerts disastrous effects on children' s healthy growth and therefore some researchers and scholars propose that teenagers should not be allowed to play PC games, While l admit that computer games have a negative impact on the development of children, especially contributing to aggressive and anti-social behaviour, I still feel that it is irrational and impractical to ban video games.

To start with, PC games may be a friendly way of introducing children to computer science. Playing computer games arouses curiosity, which leads to discovery and creativity, Some video games may promote learning, problem solving and help with the development of fine motor skills and coordination.

Moreover, social skills are learned while children are enjoying various games. That is to say, playing computer games has become a way of associating with friends from all over the world. After all, playing with friends can be an enjoyable social interaction.

Thirdly, playing computer games helps fulfill certain psychological needs, By this I mean, video games area useful outlet for childhood aggression because play allows kids to express feelings and impulses that have to be carefully held in check in their real-world interactions.

In the final analysis, it is clear that the benefits of video games far outweigh the risks. I firmly believe that children should be encouraged to play computer games with adequate parental guidance because playful discovery is a doorway to learning.





I think it is beneficial that goods like food, cars, furniture and clothes that are produced in a certain part of the world are now available almost everywhere, which means the similarities between various countries are growing.(37words)
People in different regions now have access to products they could not use before. There are numerous goods
that are produced only in certain parts of the world, which means that people living in other places could not normally take advantage of them in the past.For example, bananas and pineapples are grown in tropical countries and so, did not use to be available to consumers in colder countries like Russia and Canada. Nevertheless, most people in such countries are now able to buy and eat these beneficial fruits. (89words)
Furthermore, people can now migrate to different countries with less fear of becoming homesick since the products they are used to are now available in shops wherever they go. For instance, Iranian immigrants could not cook their national dish, Ghormesabzi, in other parts of the globe because the specific vegetables required were not grown there. However, as they can access all these ingredients in shops and supermarkets around the world today, they do not miss a significant part of their cultural heritage anymore, allowing them to work and live more productively.(91words)
Some may argue that the global spread of similar goods
and the growing similarity between countries can reduce people’s motivation to travel to other parts of the world,
decreasing tourism and the revenue it brings to countries. But I think people will still travel to see and experience the natural features of other countries like forests, mountains and wildlife.(59words)
In conclusion, I believe the growing similarity between countries around the world is adesirable development. People can now take advantage of beneficial goods from other countries, and immigrants can be less stressed and more productive.(46word)




Recent years have witnessed an increasing number of people going abroad for academic or business reasons. Many of them experience culture shock, or the difficulty to adjust to a new culture that differs from their own. In this essay, an endeavor is made to probe into the causes and effects of this shock and render some suggestions to minimize it.

In a multi-cultural context, culture shock, as the psychological (and sometimes physical) discomfort, is usually caused by unsuccessful encounters with the members of another culture. Many factors contribute to it- smells, sounds, flavors, the very feeling of the air one is breathing. Of course, the natives' unfamiliar language, behavior and different rules of social interaction trigger it as well. It is true that once outside of their own culture, the vast majority of cross-cultural visitors may begin to realize that there is a common uncertainty among them, as foreigners. Subsequently, this uncertainty and shock can sometimes affect their emotional, behavioral and psychological ability to think and function, possibly leading to unpleasantness, frustration, loneliness and insularity along with the confusion and disorientation.

As culture shock is caused by multifaceted factors and potentially harmful to a person's wellbeing, its effects can be mitigated properly. Here are a few remedies that work for most people. Firstly, you should prepare for international travel by learning cultural values, customs, traits and the new language before hand.Secondly, find common interest within the new culture and develop an active hobby (tennis, volleyball ping pong) that will offer an outlet to release the feelings of disorientation, frustration and confusion. In addition, try to travel around to historical sites or familiar places within the culture in order to establish contact with local people or tourists.

In conclusion, it is clear that because of the different thinking style and lifestyle, going abroad is easy to make international travelers suffer culture shock. If left untreated, it can lead a "culture crosser" to reject the inhabitants of the new country and isolate him or her from contact with locals. Therefore, people should be fully culturally prepared to deal with the perils of culture shock before setting foot on a different land.




Salary is an issue that many people have strong opinions about, and the pay gap between top entertainers and sports stars on the one hand, and professionals in vital service sectors such as medicine and education on the other, has been quite controversial for some time now. However, I personally think that, except in certain cases, the latter group do not necessarily deserve higher pays than the former. (68 words)
One reason is that the cash flow of service sectors is significantly lower than that of sports and entertainment industries. People willingly spend trillions of dollars every year buying tickets to sports matches, concerts and movies, while the revenue in service sectors like education or medicine originates mainly from households in need of their services. And even then, those services have to be provided at a discount to guarantee proper access for all citizens regardless of their financial status. This means that the funds available to service providers like doctors or teachers is a fraction of what is available to sports stars, actors and singers. (104 words)
Additionally, unlike in sports and entertainment where people with certain talents are chosen or may accidentally be discovered and hurled into stardom, people in service professions tend to make informed choices regarding their careers. In other words, one usually chooses to become a teacher or doctor, knowing how much one can hope to earn and what the chances of living a life of luxury are for someone in their business. (70 words)
That being said, there are certain professionals that truly deserve to receive salaries higher than, or at least as high as, those paid to celebrity players or entertainers. This includes doctors who make breakthrough medical discoveries, invent novel methods to cure diseases or make other substantial contributions to medical sciences. Likewise, contributions such as developing more effective teaching approaches should warrant celebrity-level wages for educators who make them. (68 words)
In conclusion, I do not believe that doctors or educators should receive higher wages than celebrity singers, sports players or actors unless they have made significant contributions to their fields. (30 words)




Nowadays, parenting is considered a very important role in almost every society. I think that school students should definitely receive parenting training, and also believe that effective communication and teaching are two of the most important skills a good parent should have.
One reason why parenting should be a school subject is that children spend a lot of time in their schools. For instance, in my country, Iran, they usually spend at least seven hours a day studying at school, which means they are likely to have enough time to learn and practice good parenting. Furthermore, they usually listen to and follow the instructions provided by their teachers muchmore effectively compared to what their parents or other people tell them because they have to pass courses and receive good scores in exams. Therefore, they can learn about good parenting skills from them more effectively.
I believe that every good parent should be able to communicate with his or her children so that they can be friends with each other and there are no secrets between them. This would allow parents to guide their children better and protect them from the dangers of society. Besides, parents ought to be able to teach different thing such as the difference between good and bad, social skills and scientific knowledge to their children to help them become better people and develop better personalities.
In conclusion, I agree that students should be taught about the skills and knowledge that lead them to become good parents in future. I also think every good parent ought to be able to communicate well and teach effectively.




One of the responsibilities of a manager is to motivate their employees to increase their performance. However, I strongly disagree that basing their salaries on their rates of production and sales would be the most effective method.
The performance in many cases cannot simply be quantified in terms of sales or production. A teacher’s job, for example, is to teach classes, assess homework, and provide students with feedback, none of which involves producing or selling any goods. In this case, it is the performance of her students and their levels of satisfaction with aspects of her performance such as rapport or punctuality that decide how successful he has been.
Furthermore, the performance of many workers is greatly affected by external factors beyond their control. The state of the economy, unexpected political developments, and extreme weather conditions can all have significant impacts on how much a worker can sell or produce. A hurricane, for example, can easily devastate a farm and all its produce without its workers being responsible for any of the damages or the ensuing drop in production rates. Basing wages on sales or production rates would actually demotivate workers in such cases.
Some may argue that it is difficult to assess anything other than a worker’s output, making any other form of appraisal less effective. However, managers these days have tools such as questionnaires and Customer Relations Management platforms that allow them to form a relatively clear picture of a worker’s overall performance.
In conclusion, I think deciding how much an employee should earn based solely on their sales or production figures would be both impossible and unfair in most, if not all, cases. Instead, employers should look at a more diverse set of performance indicators, including customer satisfaction and punctuality.