如何用英语为演讲 make comment?

演讲与口才 2023-03-18 17:55 编辑:admin 234阅读

一、演讲内容 Critique the content first.

Evaluate each major section of the speech, then the speech as a whole.

Go in order, starting with the introduction and ending with the conclusion, and judge the effectiveness of each component.

Then, give an overall evaluation of whether the main points of the speech were adequately presented and reinforced, and whether the presentation as a whole was convincing and credible.

Clearly state whether the speech was presentation as-is or, if not, which areas could benefit from revisions.

· Note which elements of the speech were interesting, which parts were confusing, and which areas need more references to back them up.

· Identify jokes or anecdotes that either really hit the mark or just didn’t work. It’s better to be honest now than to let the person tell the same bad joke twice!

· Note whether you felt the speech was appropriate for the intended audience.

1. 证据是否充足,分析是否透彻。

· Have you do some fact-checking to make sure the evidence is accurate?

· The evidence doesn’t support the arguments and analysis made in the speech.

· A truly convincing speech has to hit on both elements—solid evidence and strong analysis. There are not enough persuasive evidence and analysis.

· The content of the speech didn’t demonstrate your expertise on the subject.

2. 把批评说成建议。

Phrase negative feedback as advice.Explain your negative feedback.

· I would switch sections 1 and 2, and then expand section 3 to include XXXXXX.

· I would cut the second paragraph but then add a review of ongoing projects to the end of the section.

· You had better to outline where we need more information.

3. 给出可操作性的具体建议。

Give specific suggestions. Specify how they can fix the issues.


Get straight to the point. After your positive statement, deliver the feedback in clear, straightforward terms.

· For your next presentation, stick to XXXX and avoid using XXXXX.

· You need to improve your XXXXX.

· You need to adjust your XXXXX.


Alternatively, you could ask them questions that will help them think of ways to fix them. This option is a great way to address issues that could have multiple acceptable solutions.

For example,

"What changes do you plan to implement in your next speech?"

二、演讲的结构问题。Provide feedback on both content and mechanics(结构).


· The introduction is not effective.

· You didn’t make your primary argument apparent within the first few sentences.

· The speech is full of distracting tangents that do not relate to the primary topic.

· Your topic sentences could use some work because they don’t connect back to your theme.

· You didn’t make the subject of the speech clear quickly.


· The closing was not strong enough.

· The speech wasn’t built in a logical manner toward the conclusion.

· You should tie up all of the main points and give the audience new ideas for using the information they've been given.

· You only summarized the points.

· You outright ignore the main points and go on to a topic that has nothing to do with what the you has been saying.

三、演讲者的表现。Critique the speaker’s delivery.

Provide feedback on things like vocal tone, eye contact, and body language.

Critiquing the delivery of a speech can be more awkward than evaluating its content, but it’s also the kind of feedback that speakers often benefit from the most.

Run through an honest and constructive analysis of the effectiveness of the speaker’s delivery, going piece-by-piece through areas like tone of voice, speaking volume, pacing, eye contact, mannerisms, and posture.

Finish with an overall evaluation of the speaker’s delivery.

· an oral presentation would include feedback on both content and public speaking skills.

· the speaker seemed really nervous, it’s important to point this out as a distracting element that blunted the impact of the speech. You might also constructively point out techniques that help reduce stage fright, like exercising before the speech, laughing before the speech, and practicing in front of a small group of people first.

1、声音大小和快慢Voice Delivery

· You were speaking too loudly, it may seem aggressive.

· You were speaking too quietly, the audience were struggled to listen.

· You tend to speak too quickly without realizing it.

· Pauses that are too short or non-existent don't give the audience opportunities to digest what’s just been said and prepare for what’s about to be said.

· Your pauses were too long so that the audience are distracted.

· You should talk in a way that makes the audience want to keep listening, not tune out.

· You didn’t hold the audience’s attention.

· You didn’t pause for effect at the right time and speak at the proper tempo and volume.

2、身体语言body language

· Make easy, natural eye contact with audience members scattered throughout the crowd. This helps every part of the audience feel included.

· Use natural arm and hand gestures from time to time, especially to emphasize key points.

3、背稿还是脱稿read, memorize, or master the speech

· You just memorize the speech while not master it.

· It looks like you are reading your speech.

· While briefly checking a page of notes or the current PowerPoint slide is fine, you shouldn’t have your eyes glued to your notes.

· You shouldn’t have memorized the speech word-for-word and recount it in a stiff and robotic way.