
演讲与口才 2023-03-20 05:32 编辑:admin 56阅读


1 Have you ever tried to do something you know you would be really bad at? What was it?

2 What do you like more, being a leader or a follower?

3 What character traits do you share with your favorite animal?

4 What is the first thing you notice about someone when you meet?

5 Have you ever been happy that you lied?

6 What is the oldest thing in your refrigerator?

7 What makes a person harmful for society?

8 When was the time you felt most free?

9 What are three things still left on your bucket list?

10 What questions should partners ask each other before getting married?

11 How do you feel about staying friends with exes?

12 What do you think is one thing all men should do when dating?

13 What experiences shaped your views about money?

14 What’s your favorite word?

15 What’s your favorite form of social media?

16 What is a language you love to listen to even if you don’t speak or understand it?

17 What do you wish you’d known before having kids?

18 If you could return to school, what would you study?

19 How do you get along with the people you work with?

20 What are the benefits and consequences of questioning/challenging authority?




1 Where is your most recent stress coming from?

2 Social Media: A boon or a bane for society and individuals?

3 What is something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t got around to doing?

4 What is your favorite question to ask someone you just met?

5 What if you could be President for 1 week, what would you change?

6 Is MBA necessary to be Successful in Business?

7 Would we be happier if we were living closer to nature?

8 Which is the best OS for Smart phones- Android or iOS?

9 If you could choose to take a road trip to any 3 places together, where wouldyou want to go?

10 What's more important in a relationship / marriage? your partner's money or love?

11 What do you do when you have trouble sleeping?

12 What is the best/worst first date experience you’ve ever had?

13 Do you consider artificial beauty (cosmetic surgery) to still be beauty? Why/why not?

14 Have you ever had any disappointments or bad surprises when shopping online?

15 What are the 5 most important decisions in a person'slife?

16 What do you think of 'extreme' sports (bungee jumping, tightrope walking...)?

17 How do you know when a relationship is over? What are the signs?

18 Would you rather be a lonely genius, or a sociable idiot?

19 Are you living your life purpose — or still searching? And what’s your life purpose?

20 Do you remember the resolutions you made for this year? Have you ever(actually) kept a New Year’s Resolution?

21 What was your proudest moment from the past twelve months?

22 If you could sit down with your 15-year old self, what would you tell him orher?

23 What’s your most urgent priority for the rest of theyear?

24 Would you consider yourself an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?

25 When confronting your spouse/significant other about a current issue in the relationship, is it appropriate to bring up past situations? Should the focus stay on the current issue?

26 Have you ever slept in a strange place that was not a bed? How’s it?

27 School uniforms are a good idea and should be required. Do you agree? Why/whynot?

28 Do you ever hunt for answers or omens in dreams?

29 Once the trust in a relationship is broken, can it ever be mended? Name two or three ways to mend the trust if it is possible.

30 Is it okay to stay in a relationship because of the children?

31 Is it essential to think and dream big?

32 Peer pressure can make or mar your pressure?

33 Good luck is residue of strong preparation and execution. Do you agree or not?

34 Do you keep a diary or journal?

35 Is your significant other entitled to your social media passwords in a committed relationship?

36 How do you feel about zoos?

37 Would you quit if your values did not match your employers?

38 Would you consider a nontraditional occupation?

39 How close are you to your parents?

40 Can you genuinely remove arguing from a relationship or do you believe arguing is a natural part of a healthy relationship?

41 What have you done to earn money?

42 Have you ever dreamed about starting a business? And what’s it about?

43 Have you ever unplugged from the Internet for more than a week? How’s it?

44 How do you engage with panhandlers on the street?

45 If you were searching for a life-long relationship, what’s the #1 quality /trait that would attract you?

46 Are you a novelty-seeker?

47 If you were heading out on a road trip right this minute, what would you pack?

48 What do you value most: free time, recognition, or money?

49 What’s one thing you’re deeply proud of — but would never put on your résumé?

50 How long is too long to hold on to an issue you have with your spouse/significant other?
