虽然不多,但翻译起来还是花了点时间的,希望对你有帮助。
地中海风格:
文艺复兴前的西欧,家具艺术经过浩劫与长时期的萧条后,在9至11世纪又重新兴起,并形成自己独特的风格---地中海式风格。地中海风格的家具以其极具亲和力的田园风情及柔和的色调和组合搭配上的大气很快被地中海以外的大区域人群所接受。
in
western
europe
before
the
renaissance,
furniture
art
after
a
long
period
of
depression
and
disaster,
rose
again
between
the
century
of
9th
to
the
11th,
and
form
their
own
unique
style
---
mediterranean
style.
mediterranean-style
furniture
has
quickly
accepted
by
a
large
regional
population
for
its
great
affinity
and
the
pastoral
style
and
soft
colors
and
mix
and
match
the
mediterranean
atmosphere
by
the
people
outside
of
the
area.
田园风格
田园风格就是指的拥有“田园”风格的东西。具体一些表述既为:以田地和园圃特有的自然特征为形式手段,能够表现出带有一定程度农村生活或乡间艺术特色,表现出自然闲适的内容的作品或流派。
pastoral
style
refers
to
something
which
owns
pastoral
style
things.
the
specific
statements
are
of
means
that
as
a
form
of
unique
natural
features
of
the
fields
and
gardens,and
are
able
to
demonstrate
a
certain
degree
with
the
artistic
features
of
rural
life
or
the
countryside,and
can
be
shown
to
the
contents
of
the
natural
quiet
work
or
school(流派).