
演讲与口才 2023-06-17 10:39 编辑:admin 300阅读



Tom: Hi, Lily! Hi, Jack!

Lily: Hi, Tom!

Jack: Hi, Tom!

Tom: What are you doing?

Lily: We're playing hide and seek.

Jack: Do you want to join us?

Tom: Sure, I love hide and seek.

Lily: Okay, you count first. We'll hide.

Jack: Yeah, close your eyes and count to ten.

Tom: Okay, I'm counting. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Ready or not, here I come!


Amy: Hi, Tom! Hi, Lily!

Tom: Hi, Amy! What's up?

Lily: Hi, Amy! How are you?

Amy: I'm good, thanks. How about you guys?

Tom: We're good too. What did you do over the weekend?

Lily: Yeah, did you do anything fun?

Amy: Yes, I went to the park with my family. We had a picnic and played games.

Tom: That sounds like fun. I went to the movies with my friends.

Lily: I stayed home and read a book.

Amy: That's cool. What book did you read?

Lily: I read "The Cat in the Hat" by Dr. Seuss. It's one of my favorites.


Jack: Hi, Lily! Hi, Tom!

Lily: Hi, Jack! How was your weekend?

Tom: Yeah, did you do anything fun?

Jack: It was great! I went to the beach with my family. We swam in the ocean and built sandcastles.

Lily: Wow, that sounds like so much fun.

Tom: I wish I could have gone to the beach too.

Jack: You should come with us next time!

Lily: Yeah, that would be awesome.

Tom: Thanks, guys. I would love that.



三、英语情景口语100主题 入门篇


3. Good morning/ afternoon/evening.

早上 /下午 /晚上好。

4. How are you(this morning/afternoon/evening)?

你今天早晨 /下午 /晚上好吗?

5. Fine, thank you/ thanks. 我很好,谢谢。

6. Not bad, thank you. 不错,谢谢。

7. Welcome back to school. 欢迎回到学校来。

8. Welcome to our school. 欢迎到我们学校来。

9. Happ y birthday! 生日快乐!

10. What ’ s your name, please? 你的名字是什么 ?

11. Your name, please? 你叫什么名字?

12. My name is …/ I ’ m … 我的名字是… /我名叫…

13. This is Miss/ Mr/ Mrs …这位是…小姐 /先生 /女士。

14. This is my friend. 这是我的朋友。

15. Come and meet my friends. 过来见见我的朋友们。

16. How do you do? 你好。

17. Nice to meet /see you. 很高兴认识 /见到你。

18. Goodbye. 再见

19. Good night. 晚安。

20. How old is he? 他多大了?

21. Thank you./ Thanks. 谢谢。

22. You ’ re welcome. 不用谢。

23. That ’ s all right. 没关系。

24. I ’ m sorry. 对不起。

25. Sorry, I don ’ t know. 对不起,我不知道。


“no problem”可以用来表示“yes, I can do it”,意思是“我能行,这件事很简单,没啥大问题”。


-Could you help me with this please?

-Sure, no problem.



“no problem”的另一个意思其实是“没关系、不值一提、别放在心上”。

-Thank you for helping yesterday.

-It was no problem at all.



“no problem”一些不同的地道说法:

Sure thing.

No worries.


It's all right.

That's OK.

No sweat.

No probs.

Oh! anytime.


You're welcome.

It's my pleasure.


Of course.

Not at all.

That's absolutely fine.


比如,如果是表达感谢,就可以回答“No worries/It's all right/You're welcome/It's my pleasure/Don't mention it”等等。如果是请求帮助,就可以回答“No probs/Sure thing/That's OK/Of course/Oh! anytime”等等。


You want your car back by six o'clock, right? 

Hey, no problem! It'll be all fixed up and ready to go, just as good as new. 他说:你六点前要来拿车,是吗? 嗨,没问题。到时候,一切都会修好,就像新车一样,就等着你开走。


There's no problem here except you forgot to switch on the machine. 他说:这儿没问题,只是你忘了打开开关。


Lili:Jack,how to improve my spoken English?

Jack:Lili,there is no shortcut,you should open your mouth and speak English loudly everyday.

Lili:thanks,I got it.


萨姆: Have you discussed our most recent proposal with your senior management?


  弗兰克: Yes, but they are as yet unwilling to agree to each term of the contract.


  萨姆: But are they willing to continue negotiations to try and find a mutually beneficial outcome?


  弗兰克: Yes. But there is another problem.


  萨姆: Which is?


  弗兰克: They have asked to delay the next round of negotiations.


  萨姆: Why?


  弗兰克: Because they feel it is necessary to discuss your proposals in more detail, as well as to assess how far they`re willing to go with these negotiations.

  因为他们觉得有必要更详细地讨论你们的提议.及需要考虑他们愿意把 谈判进行到什么程度.

  萨姆: Ok, so when can we expect to re-commence negotiations?


  弗兰克: Is Monday next week good for you?



  哈里: Ok quiet down people, I wish to commence this meeting. First order of the summary meeting is a progress report from the sales team.


  萨姆: So far things couldn`t have gone any better. The team has finally come together and is performing as a single entity. It`s incredible to see.


  哈里: Really? Could you elaborate on their progress?


  萨姆: Sure, so far our actual sales figure is 150% above our forecasted level of sales. The Team has further subdivided into smaller teams to concentrate their focus more.


  哈里: What result has braking down the team into smaller groups had?


  萨姆: It enables them to focus much more intensely on their intended sales target. This has resulted in far more effective sales strategies.


  哈里: But has there been any overlapping or breakdowns in communication? Smaller groups often result in more inefficiency if anything.


  萨姆: True, but with constant and tightly controlled overall management, I have managed to keep it together.


  哈里: So that team development consultant we brought in a month ago has worked a wonder, has he?


  萨姆: Yes. It has resulted in a remarkable change in team confidence and effectiveness.

  是的. 它导致了团队自信心和效力方面的惊人变化.



English conversation for shopping.

Shop assistant: Hello customer, how can I help you?

Customer: Hello, I'm looking for a winter coat.

Shop assistant: We have a lot of new models, please come and have a look. What style do you like?

Customer: I would like a camel colour, not too long, just warm.

Shopper: Take a look at this one, it's just the right coat for you. It's only $200 and we'll give you a free belt if you get a membership today.

Customer: Well, that's a good one, so please give me an average size, I'll check out and get another membership card.

Shopper: Thank you for your patronage.

八、情景英语口语 每日一段


Hi, what's up? 

Nothing much. What about you? 

So so. 


Can I take your order now? 

Yes,  please.  I would like beef noodle. A cup of coke.