
演讲与口才 2023-08-18 13:30 编辑:admin 300阅读



A single flower does not make spring, while one hundred flowers in full blossom bring spring to the garden.



Respect professor:

I am glad to recommend schoolmate very much A to go to your school to pursue advanced studies.

Schoolmate A is my courtyard 2005 level of B class students.Should live into the school foundation to be very good, was admitted my school by the outstanding result, in school period displays the outstanding quality.The academic record is fine, has the strong interest to the differential equation, as usual differential equation test has obtained 97 minute good result.Should live likes Japanese and the Japanese culture extremely, while completes which the specialized correlation curriculum studies, participated in Japanese curriculum study positively, now already had is equal to the Japanese 2 levels of levels, and had certain English spoken language human relations ability.This schoolmate warm-hearted public welfare, once held the post of base positions and so on class assistant squad leader and literary committee member, was good at uniting schoolmate, the work is professional, has the strong organization managed capacity.Is good helper who teacher does the work.

In view of the fact that schoolmate A in the study, the work and the social activity aspect fine performance, I is glad to recommend schoolmate very much A to continue to your school to pursue advanced studies to study, hoped the above information is helpful in you increases to his understanding, and thanks you the attention which applies to him.


1、陪同口译: 兼职报酬:英语、日语、韩语约600-1000元/天;德语、法语、俄语、西班牙语约为800-1200元/天。

兼职要求:陪同口译对兼职人员的英语口语水平要求相对较低,一般口语较为流利,懂得日常通用口语的翻译,有中级口译证书者即可胜任。同声传译: 兼职报酬:英语、日语、韩语约为6000元-1.2万元/天;德语、法语、俄语、西班牙语约为8000元-1.6万元/天。兼职要求:同声传译对兼职者的要求最高,一般需要经过特殊训练,长期专门从事外语口译翻译工作的人员才能担当同传工作。通常3小时的会议,词汇量累计达2万多个,因此要求同传具备在1分钟内处理120个英语单词的能力。除了英语功力外,同声传译还要有流利、丰富的中文表达能力,有相当的社会知识和世界知识,对政治、经济、文化各个领域要有一定的认知度。




[词典] flowers in a mirror and the moon's reflection in water -- a mirage, insubstantial objects; reflection of a flower in the mirror or of the moon in the water; moonlight in the water; beautiful but evanescent dreams;


However, whiny urban, please don't forget, the world is an illusion.