杨玲得了重感冒。去看医生,会怎么和医生交流?3回合医生先说 用英语

166 2023-11-19 22:50

一、杨玲得了重感冒。去看医生,会怎么和医生交流?3回合医生先说 用英语

 Doctor: Hello, what's wrong with you?

Yang ling: Doctor, I had a bad cold.

Doctor: Let me have a look. Open your mouth and say Ah“.

Yang Ling: Ah...

Doctor: All right. You've also got a sore throat. Let me prescribe some medicine for you. Drink more water and have a good rest. You‘ll be all right soon.

Yang Ling: Thank you, doctor.

二、玲得了重感冒。去看医生,会怎么和医生交流?3回合医生先说 用英语


A:what's the matter  with you ?

B:I have a bad cold

A:how long have you been like this ?

B:since last night

A:have you taken your medicine ?

B:no ,not yet

A:leyt me take your temperature ...oh ,it's a little high

B:is it serious ?

A:no ,take this medicine and drink more water ,you'll be fine

B:thank you very much  





诶。。试试吧。。。= =


D what's the matter with you

P there is someting wrong with my ... / i feel headache等...

D when did you feel that

P about ... ago

D maybe you ...(得了什么病) take these medicine for .. days, and have a good rest 之类的。。 you will get well soom

P thank you very much

不知道可不可以。。。。= =


what is the trouble.

what is the matter with you.

what is wrong?

do you have a headache?

you should take some medicine.

you have to stay in bed for a long time.

i hope you feel better soon
