
107 2024-06-16 22:57


I really appreciate your help. I shall try my best to reciprocate you in the future should you need my assistance. Let’s keep in touch.



A:Hello.JimB:Hello ,TomA:Could I borrow your ruler ,please? B:My ruler?But I need it at the moment .A:I will be back it a minutes later B:OK.Here you are A:Thank you very muchB:You are welcome


l: hello! how may i help you?

s: hi! i’m trying to find a few books, but i’m lost.

l: ok. what books do you need to find?

s: i need to find three english conversation books by professor brown.

l: all right. those books are at the main desk on the third floor.

s: how do i get there?

l: just take this elevator up two floors. the desk is right outside.

s: great. thank you very much!

l: you’re welcome. good luck!

barry: hey larry~ it's great to see you here!

larry: oh, hi barry~ what's up with you lately?

barry: i have been quite busy working around the house.

larry: oh yeah? i hope everything's going smoothly.

barry: well, actually, could you give me a hand this weekend?

larry: is it to do with your house?

barry: yes, landscaping my yard.

larry: that sounds like a big job.

barry: it might be, it depends on how i decide to do it.

larry: you don’t know yet?

barry: i can’t make up my mind. i’m vacillating between desert land-scape with cacti or lush green grass with lots of flowers. what do you think it should be?

larry: well, a desert landscape has a lot less maintenance, but nothing beats a nice green lawn.

barry: thus my dilemma. what would you do?

larry: let me ask you this- how much time will you spend out there.

barry: with my schedule, probably not much.

larry: then i would go with the desert. keeping up a grass lawn is a lot of work.

barry: yea, i think you are right.

larry: ok then, i'll see you this weekend.

woman:hello, is that the police station?


woman:is it true you catch burglars(窃贼)?

police:yes, that’s right.

woman:could you catch one for me?


woman:i haven’t got any keys and i don’t know how to get into my house

a:why are all those people running?

b:they are running a race to get a cup.

a:who will get the cup?

b:the person who wins.

a:then why are all the others running?

a:i’m fed up with my marriage.

b:why do you say that? everyone thinks that you have a wonderful wife.

a:oh, no. years ago, when we were poor, we had to do our best to make ends meet. it was a hard time, but we were happier then.

b:now you are quite rich, aren’t you?

a:yes, but we are always squabbling(争论)about unimportant things.

b:that sounds like everyday married life to me.

the distinguished old man was being interviewed by a journalist. “ i understand, sir, ” said the journalist, “ that you have just celebrated your ninetieth birthday. ”

“ that is correct - ninety years of age and i haven't an enemy in the world. ”

“ that's wonderful, sir. ”

“ not an enemy in the world. they're all dead! ”

“ well, sir, i hope to have the privilege of interviewing you on your one hundredth birthday. ”

“ i don't see why not, young man, ” said the eminent personage, “ you look perfectly fit to me! ”
